

2 , 首页幻灯片功能:

选择一个幻灯片插件 ,推荐 Smart slider ,Smart Slider 3 – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org ,功能强大 ,方便配置。其他幻灯片插件 参考 :https://kinsta.com/blog/wordpress-slider/


修改模板样式 ,可以直接在后台自定义页面增加CSS,方便修改。

4, 自定义导航

wordpress管理后台已经有很好的自定义导航功能 ,可以容易实现 mega menu功能 ,如果不能满足要求 ,可以 尝试插件 https://www.woothemes.com/products/storefront-mega-menus/

也可以代码实现自定义导航: An Easy Way to Code a Mega Menu in WordPress | Envato Tuts+

5, 首页评论review展示

5.1 代码灵活实现 :

//展示  相关  reviews
add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary ',
'woocommerce_cookbook_single_review ', 25 );
function woocommerce_cookbook_single_review() {
    // get all of the comments
    $args = array ( 'post_type ' => 'product ');
    $comments = get_comments( $args );
    // get the best comment
    $best_comment = woocommerce_cookbook_get_best_comment(
    // if there is a best comment then print it
    if ( $best_comment > 0 ) {
        $comments[$best_comment] );
function woocommerce_cookbook_get_best_comment( $comments )
    $best_comment = 0;
    // loop through each comment to find the best
    foreach( $comments as $key => $comment ) {
        // get the rating
        $rating = in tval( get_comment_meta( $comment-
        >comment_ID, 'rating ', true ) );
        // save the rating in the comment
        $comment->rating = $rating;
        // if the rating is higher, it 's approved, and
        there are at least 10 characters, save it
        if ( $rating > 0 &&
        $rating > $comments[$best_comment]->rating &&
        '1 ' == $comment->comment_approved &&
        10 < strlen( $comment->comment_content ) ) {
        // save the array key of the comment
            $best_comment = $key;
    return $best_comment;

function woocommerce_cookbook_print_best_comment( $comment
) {
    // print out the best comment and some very basic
    <p>Here 's what people are saying about this
    product :</p>
    <blockquote class= 'comment-text '>
    <?php echo apply_filters( 'comment_text ', $comment-
    >comment_content ); ?>
    font-style: italic;

5.2 参考插件简单实现: https://woocommerce.com/products/storefront-reviews/

6 subscription 订阅弹框

利用mailchimp插件, 利用CF7等插件

7 Header Bar, 顶部信息栏

方法1 ,直接修改模板文件 ,增加相关bar 信息 :

<div class="header_info_box">
<p><a href="https://www .liangda biao .com/black-friday"><img src="https://www .liangda biao .com/media/wysiwyg/1_2 .jpg" alt="" width="1920" height="60"></a></p >

方法2: Appearance Customize WooCommerce Store Notice ,按后台自定义样式增加bar。参

考 :WooCommerce Customizer – Manage Store Notice, Catalog View and Product Images –


8 页脚自定义

在 Appearance Customize widgets 小插件功能 修改 footer:

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